Kim with students from her 'Energy, the Environment, and Society' course visiting Capital Hill to talk about energy policy and climate science.


I teach a variety of courses to undergraduates and graduate students alike.

I teach the following courses on a regular basis:

Isotope Geochemistry (grad, fall semester 2012)
Energy, the Environment, and Society (undergrad, spring semester 2013)
Glacial Hydrological Cycle (Fall 2013)

I have co-instructed the following courses:

Oceanography (undergrad, fall semester)
Paleoceanography & Paleoclimate (undergrad & grad, spring semester)

Seminar-style offerings include:

“Monsoon: Past, Present, and Future”
“Abrupt Climate Change”
“Multi-Decadal Climate Variability”
“Water Isotopes” (Spring, 2012)
"Ocean acidification past and present" (Fall, 2012)
"The Warming Papers" (Spring, 2013)